Foods to Avoid for Schizophrenia Patients
Patients with schizophrenia suffer from symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking among others, which don’t just lead to social withdrawal but also hinder day-to-day functions. The patient’s medical course is determined by their symptoms and their severity. Treatment for most schizophrenic patients continues throughout life. The symptoms, however, can be controlled. In this vein, here are some foods a schizophrenia patient must avoid to effectively relieve their symptoms: Wheat Several studies suggest that gluten can cause and aggravate schizophrenia. According to historical reports, when schizophrenic patients were on a diet that excluded bread entirely, it resulted in faster recovery. Many studies and research also show that people who are intolerant to gluten are likely to develop schizophrenia. Carbohydrate-rich foods Eliminating gluten-rich foods alone isn’t enough; it is crucial to control the intake of carbohydrates as they contribute to weight gain and changes in a patient’s metabolism since they are constantly on stimulant drugs. A low-carb diet is also adopted by people with bipolar disorder for its anti-seizure properties. Added sugar A spike in sugar levels can have a substantial impact on a perfectly healthy person’s mood and body, and it’s worse for patients with mental illnesses. Added sugar can lead to an imbalance in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, can cause mood disorders.