8 Natural Ways to Help Reduce Hair Loss

8 Natural Ways to Help Reduce Hair Loss

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is a condition that affects men and women alike. In many cases the condition is temporary; however, when permanent it can result in complete baldness. This condition can sometimes be hereditary or be caused as a symptom of another underlying condition. In any case, losing large amounts of hair regularly can induce a lot of stress. Here are some effective home remedies for hair loss that you can try.

Aloe vera
Since generations, aloe vera is known to be an effective remedy in reducing hair loss. It soothes the scalp and balances the pH level in your hair. Massaging the scalp with small amounts of aloe vera gel about 15 minutes before washing it can relatively reduce hair fall and get rid of excess oil and dirt that block hair follicles.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is rich in antibacterial properties that are effective in fighting infections on the scalp. Massaging the head with coconut oil can be very beneficial in improving the overall health of your hair and scalp. It also helps regulate the amount of oil your hair naturally produces.

Onion juice
Sulfur compounds present in onion and garlic are known to be very helpful in facilitating hair growth. It helps promote healthy circulation of blood to the scalp and hair follicles, boosting the growth of new hair in balding spots.

Iron-rich food
Consumption of iron-rich food like meat, dairy, and green vegetables has observably helped in reducing the amount of hair fall. In many cases, the deficiency of iron causes hair fall in the first place. Including iron-rich food in one’s diet can immensely improve the health of hair.

Also sometimes known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that can result in thinning of hair if present in insufficient amounts in the body. While it is prescribed by doctors to patients experiencing hair loss, it can be naturally obtained from foods like eggs, spinach, and mushroom.

Greek yogurt
Dairy products like greek yogurt are known to be very healthy for hair and act as natural conditioners. It is also a rich source of proteins and vitamin B5. Applying a mixture of yogurt, some lemon juice, and honey to the scalp can be very beneficial.

Stress can be a big component in causing hair loss. Trying out alternative methods such as aromatherapy can help soothe stress. Additionally, essential oils used in aromatherapy such as lavender or sandalwood can be effective in boosting hair growth as well.

Green tea
Rinsing your hair with warm water infused with some green tea is one of the most effective home remedies for hair loss. It is known to have positive effects on people experiencing excess hair loss and can also be used as a post-shampoo conditioner.